The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty
The promotion of the ideals of true nobility, royalty and chivalry.
The authentification of honors that are genuine and true.
Those who are counterfeit or imposters cannot be certified as authentic, because all claims must be based on solid, hard evidence that can be verified and confirmed as real and above board.
© Copyright 2005/2009
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Supporting the Cause Thru Contributions & Membership
The Financial Promotion of Nobility and Royalty ![](1x1.gif)
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Realistically, the actual re-establishment or creation of a monarchy would take a lot of money. This is a fact in life we cannot avoid or evade. Similarly, national elections are won or lost based primarily on the amount of money that is spent. Presidential candidates, therefore, spend a lot of time collecting large sums of money to promote their cause. Can we expect to prevail without the same kind of valiant effort? The International Commission has as one of its priorities the amassing a large amount of money to be used when it is most needed and most opportune to the cause of monarchy no matter where in the earth this positive potential develops. This is something that no one else has done to any effective degree. But it is so needed and essential to creating a new and better future. (see " Ideals")
![](32cfe8be0.jpg) For example, if we only had a large sum of money right now, we could possibly turned the tide in Nepal toward making democracy more solid and secure by helping them see that it would be in their best interests and to their advantage to have a constitutional monarchy written permanently into their constitution. Constitutional monarchies have been shown to be more prosperous, stable and more democratic and free than any other nations on earth generally speaking. The International Commission is very earnest and sincere in their desire to change the course of history and make life better for all people through educational campaigns. We hope to be able to hire experts, who specialize in campaign management, just like presidential candidates who know their country and know their business so well that we will be effective in whatever nation is best to focus on.
There are two ways you could help. One is, the more people who become members, the more ![](4321b7d50.jpg) the Commission will have money to expand and enlarge its services and contributions. Therefore, convincing others to join forces, helps raise the bar.
The other way is to make direct contributions. The problem is, we do not accept donations of any kind. It is one of our checks and balances to prevent problems that have endangered similar organizations. We do not want any undue influence to alter our objectivity and integrity in making fair and accurate determinations in regard to the validity of titles, accurate blood ancestry and the reality of being a part of the true nobility and royalty of the earth. We have also determined that we will always, without exception, charge reasonable fees that are inexpensive, equitable and fair to all people. In other words, the Commission is determined that this organization will be a service to mankind in what it does, or it will not exist at all. Honesty is, by far, more important to us than money, in having the long and continued existence, which we need to fulfill our mission and objectives.
![](491aa5fa0.jpg) To overcome this obstacle, we have determined that contributions can be given directly to the Special Representative's Office of the Commission. This is a separate and distinct division that operates as though it were a totally different company, but under the same president and board.
Being a regular supporting member of the Commission is extremely helpful. The more regular members we have, the more productive we can become. We are determined to be a force in the world for good, and hope that you will help us. Although membership is only $30.00 a year, this adds up and helps us continue to function and promote our cause. (see " Membership Categories, Fees, Evidence Requirements and Standards" for details)
Two major funds exist for donations. One for the work of the Special Representatives who will ![](4348d8510.jpg) travel and give speeches and build and perpetuate the work of the Commission in promoting the ideals of nobility and royalty; and the other, called the Monarchy Fund, which is used strictly, when the opportunity presents itself, to help establish or re-establish a constitutional monarch somewhere in the earth whether that be by hiring local experts, providing materials, educating teachers, the use of lobbyists, or any other honest method of influence. (see " Frequently Asked Questions" #1)
All contributors to the Monarchy Fund will be given a report from outside auditors certifying that none of this money was used for purposes other than in the direct support of monarchy worldwide. That is, an outside auditing firm will be hired as proof that not a penny of this money went into anyone's pockets.
We can make a difference together. There is strength in numbers. And every little and large amount will be used for the cause, and not on salaries. We need your help--your loyalty, sacrifice and dedication to make great things happen in this generation. Things which will benefit ![](4850f7900.jpg) mankind. Please contribute and give generously.
(Please note: according to the Internal Revenue Service, since a non-profit corporation cannot make any contributions to political causes, such as monarchy, we, of necessity, must be organized as a profit corporation and as such cannot provide any tax-deductibility for donations. However, no one makes a salary, no one is paid. All contributions go to good causes.)
We encourage you to read and enjoy the articles that follow, which are informative and can deepen one's understanding of the whys and wherefores as well as the true and permanent rights of royalty, nobility and chivalry. The following articles are considered to be especially important and valuable:
For " Contact" information or to join the Commission as a contributor or apply for certification for titles, knighthood, status or ancestry, please first read the " Disclaimer and Obligatory Contract." If you fully agree with them, you are welcome to contact us, make contributions, answer our survey and/or become a part of this important cause. Our goals and mission are to protect the public from counterfeit titles, phony knighthoods and fake genealogies. We also want to certify the true and the genuine as well as promote chivalry, royalty and nobility. We need your support. There is so much that needs to be done. We invite you to contribute and join with us.
© Copyright 2005/2009 -- International Commission on Nobility and Royalty. All Rights Reserved.