The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty
(See Additional Articles below)
Helpful Links
All the major legal principles that promote genuine and authentic nobility, royalty and chivalry are contained in the following new two volume book. Note what is says in the first paragraph of the Foreword:
The whole field of nobility and royalty is in disarray and confusion. It is rife with falsehoods, misguided experts, phony princes, and counterfeit chivalric orders. Besides the numerous scams and charlatans that exist, there is a widespread misunderstanding of the international and natural laws that govern dynastic rights. This is a field that is truly divided. This sad state of affairs need not continue. If international law is honored, revered and respected, then everything can be set in its proper order. The grand key to this needed unity is the rule of the just, time-honored laws that already exist.
The author is Dr. Stephen Baca y Kerr, JD, LLM, MAT, former special counsel to the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg, Professor and Dean of the Law School at the International College of Interdisciplinary Studies. His book is The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law and it is a masterpiece. Note excerpts of what people have said about it:
"It is written in a clear and compelling manner. It is hoped that more and more people will become familiar with the laws of justice contained in this book." (Thubten Samphel, director of the Tibet Policy Institute of the Central Tibetan Administration and author of the book Falling Through the Roof, Dharamshala, India)
"It is magnificently done and of great worth." (Adalberto J. Urbina Briceno, Sc.D., Professor Head of the Public International Law Chair of the Catholic University Andres Bello- Caracas)
"It is a goldmine of references and is a valuable account of a [thought provoking] . . . and poorly understood area of law." (Rev'd Professor Noel Cox, LLM, MA, MTheol, Ph.D., LTh, FRHists, Barrister, Aberystwyth University, New Zealand)
"Dr. Kerr has put together a book that is a "one of a kind" providing what is needed to perpetuate the rights of deposed sovereignty. For all those interested in the legal future of nobility and royalty, this is a very important, scholarly and insightful book to read." (LaWanna Blount, Ph.D., F.Coll.T, vice president and professor at the American College of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Como, Mississippi, USA)
"Dr. Kerr's book . . . is one of those . . . path breaking works that throws new light on a field of study . . . on the complex legal and philosophical sinews that keep alive [deposed] monarchies. . . . This type of writing fills a huge gap within the royal studies field. . . ." (Dr. Diana Mandache, historian and author, Budapest, Romania)
"The author obviously has a deep understanding of international law and how it relates to deposed monarchies and exiled governments. The content is well structured and well written. I accept this book as conforming to the highest academic standards expected of a master scholar and practitioner." (Alexander Arapov, Sc.D., Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the All-Russian State Distance-Learning Institute of Finance and Economics, a branch of the Financial University of the Russian Federation)
"This has been the most interesting and helpful book I have read in the field of nobiliary law as well as international law . . . . It exemplifies the highest level of scholarly content, clarity and depth of inquiry yet presented on this profound and important subject." (Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Academician, Institute of Economic Sciences and Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia)
This unique book is being offered for free because of its singular importance to the field of nobility and royalty. Go to the website:
The International Commission is not in competition with any other organization. It will not attempt to duplicate the services and important contributions of others, but rather to promote those who have similar ideals and purposes and work together for the promotion of that which is authentic and legitimate.
The following are helpful links to promote the understanding of nobility and royalty. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, or an endorsement of everything that is said, but to be of some benefit to the honest seeker of truth and knowledge. If you find any dead links or have any suggestions for websites that should be added, please send them to us by e-mail. (see "Contact")
Royal Houses of the World:
Sovereigns, Kingdoms & Royal Landmarks of Europe:
The World of Royalty:
Almanach de La Cour:
European Royalty during World War II:
The Royal Houses of Europe:
Royal Houses:
Reigning Houses in Europe:
Hoelseth's Royal Courner:
European Royalty and Nobility:
Monarchies of
Almanach de gotha (household websites):
An Online Gotha:
Monarchs of the World:
Heirs to the World's Thrones:
Claimants to Non-Reigning Monarchies and Their Heirs:
Royal Links:
Charles A. Coulombe: Monarchy Links:
Mark Watson's website offering a number of services involving monarchy and royal families:
Royal Message Boards:
Royal Message Boards and Newsgroups:
Royalty news groups, message boards and mailing lists:
Monarchist Societies and Associations:
The Monarchist League of Canada:
The Official Website of the Constitutional Monarchy Association &
The Monarchist Society of America:
Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy:
The Vietnamese Constitutional Monarchist League:
Supporters of the Constitutional Monarchy (Iraq):
Monarchist Alliance:
The Charles II Society:
Royal Cause (Portuguese):
Real Associacao de Lisboa:
Monarchist Traditional Action (Portugal):
Imperial Society of St. George of Lalibela:
The Kingship of Israel:
Miscellaneous Links of Interest:
Kings and Queens of England (to 1603):
Royalty Magazine:
Regnal Chronologies:
The International Academy for the Promotion of Historical Studies:
Democracy and Monarchy:
Democracy, Monarchy and the Fourth Commandment (Catholic Perspective on French Monarchy):
In Defense of Monarchy In An Age Of Democracy:
Introductory Statement: The Constantian Society:
Monarchy Rules!:
The Political Economy Of Monarchy And Democracy, and The Idea Of A Natural Order:
Expenses of Monarchies and Presidencies (Constantian Society):
Discourse of Monarchist Political Thought:
Great Orders of Chivalry:
Self-Styled Orders:
The sovereign authority for the creation of Orders of Chivalry:
Links to Military Orders, Orders of Knighthood & Orders of Merit:
The International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists:
Royal Genealogies:
Royal and Noble Genealogical Data on the Web:
The Royal Family Genealogy Page:
Master Index to royal Genealogical Data - ordered by last name:
Royal and Noble Genealogical Data on the Web:
Genealogical Gleanings:
Royal and Historical Genealogical Courses: (Courses are taught by well-known experts, who are highly recommended)
Genealogy School, Heraldry and Documents: in Italy
Heraldry on the Internet:
Law of Arms:
Arms and Armour Glossary of Terms:
We encourage you to read and enjoy the articles that follow, which are informative and can deepen one's understanding of the whys and wherefores as well as the true and permanent rights of royalty, nobility and chivalry. The following articles are considered to be especially important and valuable:
Use "Contact" to join the Commission as a contributor or apply for certification for titles, knighthood, status or ancestry. Our goals and mission are to protect the public from counterfeit titles, phony knighthoods and fake genealogies. We certify the true and the genuine as well as promote chivalry, royalty and nobility. There is so much that needs to be done. We invite you to contribute and join with us.
Contact or donate through the following:
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