The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty

Royal News

A great way to find out all the latest about what is being said about royalty all over the earth is to go to
All the major legal principles that promote genuine and authentic nobility, royalty and chivalry are contained in the following new two volume book. Note what is says in the first paragraph of the Foreword:
The whole field of nobility and royalty is in disarray and confusion. It is rife with falsehoods, misguided experts, phony princes, and counterfeit chivalric orders. Besides the numerous scams and charlatans that exist, there is a widespread misunderstanding of the international and natural laws that govern dynastic rights. This is a field that is truly divided. This sad state of affairs need not continue. If international law is honored, revered and respected, then everything can be set in its proper order. The grand key to this needed unity is the rule of the just, time-honored laws that already exist.
The author is Dr. Stephen Baca y Kerr, JD, LLM, MAT, former special counsel to the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg, Professor and Dean of the Law School at the International College of Interdisciplinary Studies. His book is The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law and it is a masterpiece. Note excerpts of what people have said about it:
"It is written in a clear and compelling manner. It is hoped that more and more people will become familiar with the laws of justice contained in this book." (Thubten Samphel, director of the Tibet Policy Institute of the Central Tibetan Administration and author of the book Falling Through the Roof, Dharamshala, India)
"It is magnificently done and of great worth." (Adalberto J. Urbina Briceno, Sc.D., Professor Head of the Public International Law Chair of the Catholic University Andres Bello- Caracas)
"It is a goldmine of references and is a valuable account of a [thought provoking] . . . and poorly understood area of law." (Rev'd Professor Noel Cox, LLM, MA, MTheol, Ph.D., LTh, FRHists, Barrister, Aberystwyth University, New Zealand)
"Dr. Kerr has put together a book that is a "one of a kind" providing what is needed to perpetuate the rights of deposed sovereignty. For all those interested in the legal future of nobility and royalty, this is a very important, scholarly and insightful book to read." (LaWanna Blount, Ph.D., F.Coll.T, vice president and professor at the American College of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Como, Mississippi, USA)
"Dr. Kerr's book . . . is one of those . . . path breaking works that throws new light on a field of study . . . on the complex legal and philosophical sinews that keep alive [deposed] monarchies. . . . This type of writing fills a huge gap within the royal studies field. . . ." (Dr. Diana Mandache, historian and author, Budapest, Romania)
"The author obviously has a deep understanding of international law and how it relates to deposed monarchies and exiled governments. The content is well structured and well written. I accept this book as conforming to the highest academic standards expected of a master scholar and practitioner." (Alexander Arapov, Sc.D., Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the All-Russian State Distance-Learning Institute of Finance and Economics, a branch of the Financial University of the Russian Federation)
"This has been the most interesting and helpful book I have read in the field of nobiliary law as well as international law . . . . It exemplifies the highest level of scholarly content, clarity and depth of inquiry yet presented on this profound and important subject." (Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Academician, Institute of Economic Sciences and Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia)
This unique book is being offered for free because of its singular importance to the field of nobility and royalty. Go to the website:
The following highlights major news in the field of nobility and royalty starting in 2005:
Some Royal News of 2005
Crown Prince Abdullah became King Abdullah (right) on August 1, 2005. He succeeded the throne following the death of his half-brother, King Fahd (left).
A son is born to the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark. He was born on October 19, 2005. Princess Mary and child are pictured at the right. She expressed herself that: "Words can't
describe how happy one feels." The royal couple happily annoucned that they had another baby, this time a girl, on April 23, 2007.
An Imperial Princess of Japan marries Commoner and thereby gives up her status. The now controversial constitution provisions did not give her any way to marry without losing her Imperial and royal status, so this lose was inevitable. But desiring to start a new life, Sayako, pictured to the left, married Yoshiki Kuroda, a 40-year-old urban planner on November 15, 2005.
Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Spain were clearly thrilled with their baby girl when they left a Madrid hospital together more than a week after Leonor was born October 31, 2005. "I cried when I saw her," the crown princess told reporters. that is, for joy. The royal couple had another baby girl on April 29, 2007. Under Spain's constitution, if the royal parents go on to have a son, he would become the heir even if he has older sisters.
Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit of Norway had a new baby on December 3, 2005. His name is Prince Sverre Magnus. The happy couple now have a family of three children.
Some Major Events in 2006
HM King Zwelonke Sigcawu assumed the reigns of the AmaXhosa Kingdom in South Africa on Janurary 29, 2006 after his father HM King Xolilizwe Sigcawu died on December 31, 2005. The late King was uliogized as "a courageous leader" and a "legend."
HH Sheik Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah, the emir of Kuwait, died on January 15, 2006. He was 79 years old. On January 23, 2006, the Crown Prince automatically the 14th Emir, HH Shaikh Saad Al Abdulla Al Sabah, because of ailing health and advanced years, abdicated. As a result the Prime Minister Prince Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah became the new Emir (king) of Kuwait on January 29, 2006.
Prince Charles of the United Kingdom was given four star rank during the week of November 16, 2006. He is now a four star general in the Royal Army, a full admiral in the Royal Navy and an Air Chief Marshall in the Royal Air Force in preparation for his ascension to the throne.
On August 15, 2006, Dame Te Atairangikaahu, Queen of the Maori's, who also held the title of Te Arikinui or Great Chief, died. (see right) On the day of her burial, her eldest son, Tuheitia Paki, was recognized as the next monarch or king of the Maori people. (see left)
On September 6, 2006, a potential future Emperor of Japan was born. He is the first male heir to be born into Japan's royal family in more than four decades. This birth was received with great interest and potentially has relieved the succession crisis in the imperial family. The constitution presently only allows males to ascend to the Chrysanthemum throne. So this birth was received with great rejoicing.
The King of Tonga, Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, died Sunday, September 10, 2006 after a 41 year reign. His son, Crown Prince Tupouto'a was sworn in as the new
king of these islands as King Tupou V. An imminent coronation is not expected. It may be a year before the formal ceremony will take place. The new king is pictured to the left.
Some Major News of 2007
Malaysia has a new king, HM Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, 44, the youngest king ever to reign. Malaysia has nine sultans who take turns ruling the kingdom for a five year term. He was crowned in a public ceremony in the national palace on April 26, 2007. The new king pledged to rule fairly, uphold the Islamic faith and ensure just government. This was followed by a 21-gun salute. King Abidin is pictured to the right.
A baby boy was born on March 17, 2007 to the Crown Prince and Princess of Brunei. A 19-gun salute was fired from the cannons on the grounds to announce the celebrate the good news of a royal and new heir to the throne. The Crown Prince, Al-Muhtadee Billah Bolkiah, son of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, the King, is pictured to the left.
A new princess was born to the royal house of the Netherlands on April 10, 2007. She is the third daugther of the Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange-Nausau and HRH Princess Máxima. Princess Catharina was born in in 2003, Princess Alexia in 2005 and now Princess Ariane in 2007.
December 2007: The Indonesian government has officially recognized the immense and important contribution of former small monarchs in their history and are going to register the present heads of the ruling families as representing the former kings and sovereign princes who ruled their land. Apparently about 100 of about 300 have been screened so far as valid claimants. However, some have too many claimants as royal heads of their particular branch and therefore may not be included among the honored. But this recognition is a great milestone for these ancient royal and noble families.
News of 2008
See the above brief announcement on now non-reigning or depossed King of Nepal. We need more help to have the resources to prevent such trageties. It is hoped more people will see the seriousness and importance of monarchy and donate.
There is a danger that the former king of Nepal will fail to preserve his "de jure" rights to sovereignty, because he has accepted the majority vote against him without protest. This kind of action can be considered an abandonment of all rights under international law. That is, unless this action was done under duress or under a realistic threat to his life or privilege of living in his own country, it could mean an end to all royal prerogatives. If the threat is not considered valid, he has lost the case and lost not only his "defacto" crown, but all the sovereignty and/or royal prerogatives and rights that go with it. If his son or next in line (the king's grandson) does not continue to use his titles and the family's sovereign arms and give out knighthoods or do something that make it undeniable and irrefutable that he is keeping his "de jure" privileges alive as the rightful ruler of his country, this sacred and precious right will be lost forever or permanently. We do not want to see this happen so we will use the contacts we have to make sure the international law or the law of nations can justify continuance. (See the article: "Sovereignty & The Future of Nobility and Royalty")
June 16, 2008: The UN Council on Human Rights instead of focusing on ". . . issues of
starvation, execution and the denial of the vote to huge numbers of people around the world," have stated that they think Great Britain should have a referendum on their monarchy and should consider having a republic. (
-advice-r644990.htm) However, this Council is clearly way out in left field as they also voted to end their examinations of Iran and Uzbekistan who are probably the worst human rights violators in the world. What their hidden agenda is would be enlightenint, because this latest outrage on England is nonsense. It does not reflect the fact that England for past three hundred years has had greater freedom and greater rights, prosperity and benefits under their amazing system of checks and balances than practically all, if not most, of the members of this UN committee, which include the notorious Saudi Arabia and Cuba. It
makes one wonder what the UN is really all about. (See the articles: "Briefly, the Benefits of Constitutional Monarchy, "Ideals," and "Advantages.")
Bhutan has made the move and changed from a monarchy to a constitutional monarchy with two houses or chambers during the first half of this year. The successful transition has been mainly through the astute understanding and patience of their present king, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, although the process began with his father, King Jigme Singye Wangcuck. This makes Bhutan the world's newest Democracy and Kingdom. On November 6, 2008, the tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan crowned its new King. As the new king walked about the country on the day of his coronation, he said, “The greatest gift I can ask for is this…being with you…my people.”
On August 2, 2008, King Tupou V of Tonga finally received his coronation. He was anointed and a crown was placed upon his head like that which would be expected in Europe. Critics of
the government described it as beautiful. Last year their were riots, but this King in his short two year reign has done more to create a constitutional monarchy and democracy in that land than any other king. He is becoming quite popular because of his diligent work to reform and improve things. "Among the guests were Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand and the prime minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark, as well as nobility and royalty from most of the nations in the South Pacific. Britain was represented by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester." (Barbara McMahon, "Crimson robes and gilt throne usher in Tonga's democracy," The Guardian. London: August 2, 2008. p. 28)
Recently (December 2008) as a great example of good conscience, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg refused to sign into law a controversial bill allowing
euthanasia. Despite threats of losing his royal right to veto in the future, this great and good man stood up valiantly for what is right according to his deep religious beliefs. This is an example of greatness and sticking with the best of ideals --- being true and faithful. We are especially proud of this act of courage and bravery in a world that seems hell bent of throwing away the principles and qualities that make nations and people great. This was an act of true nobility. Bravo to this man of integrity and chivalry protecting the helpless and the needy!
February 27, 2009: The Crown Princess of Sweden, Victoria, 31, has announced her government approved engagement to Daniel Westling, 35. Victoria told reporters, "It was a friendship [over a six year period] that grew and became love." She said, "Daniel and I have become engaged, the King and the government have given their consent to our marriage and the wedding is being planned for spring or early summer 2010." At that time Daniel Westling will become HRH Prince Daniel, Duke of Vastergotland and participate in State affairs. He will be "supporting the Crown Princess in her important work for Sweden" and no longer run his business.
News for 2010
January 13, 2010: "Prince" Paul of Romania, a half-nephew of HM King Michael, a controversial figure in some circles, respect in others, has made history. He and his wife, both over 60, have had a healthy baby boy, who will be called Carol Ferdinand. The baby was conceived IVF and was delivered cesarian. Hope the baby does well all considering.
February 13, 2010: HRH Prince Victor Emmanuel and his son Prince Emmanuel Filibert of Savoy were victorious in their lawsuit against their cousins, Amadeo, Duke of Aosta, and his son
Aimone, Duke of Puglia, who were illicitly using the Savoy Royal Family name and Coat of Arms and improperly claiming the right to confer Orders of Knighthood and Merit of the Royal House of Savoy.
An Italian Tribunal declared the Aostas may not use the name "Savoy" but only "Savoy-Aosta." Amadeo of Aosta began using the name Savoy ("di
Savoia") in 2006 when he illegitimately declared himself to be head of the House of Savoy. The Aostas are descended from a younger son of King Victor Emmanuel II. In the legal proceeding Prince Victor Emmanuel and Prince Emmanuel Filibert were awarded 50,000 euros in damages plus court costs against Amadeo and his son Aimone.
His Most Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, 52, has become engaged to Charlene Wittstock, 32, who will become the first Crown Princess of Monaco since Grace Kelly, who died 1982. Many monarchists have worried that about whether he would produce an heir. Hopefully this couple will be very blessed and fruitful in that regard. This engagement is good news for Monaco.
His Royal Highness Prince William of Great Britain, second in line for the throne, and Kate Middleton announced their engagement Tuesday, November 16, 2010. Miss Middleton declared, "It was a total shock when it came," and that she is very excited. Prince William declared that they have the same interests and lots of fun together. Prince Charles declared that he is "thrilled." The happy couple are to marry next year, but no date has been set. Prince Charles gave her his mothers ring for their engagement. The sapphire ring, which is surrounded by 14 diamonds, cost 30,000 pounds. Prince William will probably become the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, and perhaps even the King of the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
News for 2011
The William and Kate (see picture above) were married on April 29, 2011. Prince Williams was made "Duke of Cambridge" and Kate will now be addressed as "Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge." Prince William's father, "His Royal Highness, Charles, the Prince of Wales," and present heir to the throne is a full admiral in the Royal Navy. He and Camilla are the "Duke and Duchess of Cornwall."
On July 1, 2011, Charlene Wittstock became Her Serene Highness the Princess of Monaco in civil marriage followed by a star-studded religious ceremony and celebration on July 2 with royal and civil dignitaries attending from all over the world.
A very big change has occurred in the monarchy of the United Kingdom. Quoting from the article, "It's a girl! British royal succession rules to change" published on October 28, 2011 by Mohammed Abbas and Jonathan Thatcher from Reuters:
"PERTH, Australia (Reuters) - Centuries of British royal discrimination came to an end Friday after Commonwealth leaders agreed to drop rules that give sons precedence as heir to the throne and bar anyone in line for the crown from marrying a Roman Catholic.
The 16 countries that have Queen Elizabeth as their monarch agreed to the changes put forward by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who had called the rules of succession outdated.
"The idea that a younger son should become monarch instead of an elder daughter simply because he is a man, or that a future monarch can marry someone of any faith except a Catholic, this way of thinking is at odds with the modern countries that we've all become," Cameron told reporters.
The 85 year old prince and heir to the Saudi throne, His Royal Highness Sultan bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud died October 19, 2011. His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has appointed Interior Minister HRH Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud as the new crown prince on October 27, 2011.
Prince Nayef was born in 1933 and was Interior Minister for years, but often was placed in charge of the kingdom when the king and the crown prince were out of the country. He is now the First Deputy Prime Minister and has been actively involved in security and personally in philanthropy amoung his own people and in other nations.
News for 2012
His Majesty King George Tupou the fifth has died in hospital at the age of 63 on March 18, 2012. The State funeral was held March 26, 2012. The king's brother, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Tupouto'a Lavaka, will succeed his brother and will use the title King Tupou VI. He was formally proclaimed on March 21, 2012. The declaration came in a notice from Cabinet Secretary Busby Kautoke:
Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy His Late Majesty King George Tupou V by who decease the Crown of the Kingdom of Tonga devolves upon Crown Prince Tupouto'a Lavaka," it began.
Naming the members of the Privy Council it concluded: "do now hereby, with one full voice and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that Crown Prince Tupouto'a Lavaka has now become the only lawful and rightful heir to the throne, King of the Kingdom of Tonga, to whom we do acknowledge all faith and constant obedience with all hearty and humble affection, beseeching God by Whom Kings and Queen do reign, to bless His Majesty, King Tupou VI, with long and happy years to reign over us.
News for 2013
Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, will be Netherland’s first king since 1890 as he ascends to the throne of the Dutch Kingdom on April 30. His mother Her Majesty Queen is abdicating and leaving the throne to her son. The prince will be known as King Willem-Alexander and his wife Máxima will have the title queen. They have three daughters.
On Tuesday, April 30, 2013, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander became the King of Holland and his wife, the Crown Princess is now Queen.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who was chosen as pope on March 6, 2013 and will be known as Pope Francis, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is best known as a champion of the poor. Not that government should take over, but the people of every nation should learn to care more and find ways to take this great responsibility upon themselves as Christians. He is the monarch or sovereign prince of an independent tiny country, but a country with sovereignty just the same as any other.
After 20 years on the throne on July 21, 2013, HM King Albert of Belgium, age 79, handed over the royal reigns to his eldest son Prince Philippe, age 53, pictured below.
HM King Philippe is the seventh king of Belgium and was sworn in on Belgium's National Day. The monarchy, along with soccer and beer, is viewed as one of the rare things that unify linguistically divided Belgium. The new queen, HM Queen Mathilde and King Philippe have two boys and two girls.
A new heir to the British throne was born on July 23, 2013. His name: HRH Prince George Alexander Louis. His father is Prince William and Kate are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and were married November 16, 2010. "The Duke and Duchess have invited well-wishers who would like to give their own gift to consider instead making a donation either to a local children’s charity or to the charity which raises funds for the hospital trust where the Duke and Duchess's baby was born."
News for 2014
HM King Juan Carlos of Spain has abdicated in favor of his son, the rightful heir. The lawmakers highly approved and HRH Crown Prince Felipe, 46, became HM King Felipe VI of Spain. Since the announcement and inauguration surveys have show a great increase in favorable feelings toward the Royal House. Felipe is a popular figure and a stable person who has integrity and respect. It is believe that this move will be a good one. The King has suffered health problems and feels his son should take the reigns as a relatively young man. His picture is to the right. The coronation took place on June 19, 2014.
It's a boy and a girl for Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco. According to the palace, the royal couple's newborn son is the crown prince and first in line for succession. Also, "in accordance with the historic custom established by the treaty of Péronne (1641), he shall receive the title of Marquis of Baux (in Provence)." The newborn princess will receive the title of Countess of Carladès (in Auvergne) and is the second child in the line of succession.
Royal News Around the World
Two good sources for what is happening among Royals in the world are the following four websites: and
The following is a very highly recommended service, but does require membership. (See:
We encourage you to read and enjoy the articles that follow, which are informative and can deepen one's understanding of the whys and wherefores as well as the true and permanent rights of royalty, nobility and chivalry. The following articles are considered to be especially important and valuable:
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