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Confidentiality & Assurances
Reputation and Integrity 
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The status and believability of Board Certification and the Commission itself depends upon accurate, fair and honest determinations. If objectivity is compromised or faulty claims are upheld, then everyone suffers, that is, all certifications become questionable and subject to doubt. Therefore, as stated, all claims are pursued until they are considered to be “beyond reasonable doubt” before they are ever approved for full recognition.
Quality Assurance
The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty has authorized a special Certification or Accrediting Board to represent them in determining, according to ancient and modern laws and rules of evidence, if an individual qualifies for recognition. Decisions are audited by the Board of Directors at least on an annual basis, and all decisions of the Certification Board must be unanimously agreed upon to help ensure that decisions are of the highest quality possible. Again, levels of assurance are, one, beyond reasonable doubt (90% level), and, two, clear and convincing (70% level).
Among other checks and balances designed to protect the organization from having hidden agendas or unwarranted outside influence, the International Commission on Nobility and Royalty will not accept contributions of any kind except through the Office of the Special Representatives, lest an official member of the Certification Board feel obligated or influenced to become partial or compromise his or her judgment of the facts. In addition, board membership is held in confidence during the time they serve to help prevent them from being contacted or biased by interested parties.
To further protect and safeguard the Commission, no member of the Board of Directors, Certification Board, Special Representatives, Investigators, Officers or Employees of any kind will personally use an uncertified title, or claim nobility, royalty or illustrious ancestors unless such claims have been properly verified through the Commission and established as an
authentic verified claim clearly based on the facts.
One of the adopted protective measures is that all charges are made reasonable and affordable, so that greed or a profit motive never takes over the organization. To do otherwise, could so easily distort the high ethical values and standards established to maintain reliability and permanence, which is utmost in our priorities.
These precautions and others that will be specified later may seem unnecessarily hard, but they are needed to ensure long standing credibility. Other organizations have faltered and lost respect in the world because they operated without such checks and balances. These precautions, it is hoped, will act as a way of protecting everyone involved. Long term integrity is considered to be of monumental importance.
For the Protection of Everyone
The Commission can be contacted similar to any typical licensing board to see if an individual is actually certified or not. However, petitions or claims that are investigated and turned down or rejected, based on insufficient or contrary evidence, will be held in strict confidence. In addition to further protect confidentiality, all names and records of any claim that is rejected will only be kept for one year for a Board auditor to review and then will be destroyed unless directed otherwise. The Commission will never at any time publish a list of false nobles or persons claiming royalty who are bogus. But we will proclaim the true and the real and honor them.
For a small fee, a letter of verification assuring certification from the Commission will be sent to anyone a certified member wishes. In addition, at a members request, the official certification document itself that describes all the factual information upon which the approval was based, similar to a transcript, will be released in the same way a university releases the official records of its students when such has been properly authorized in writing by the individual concerned.
Otherwise, the easiest way to confirm certification is to use the toll-free phone number that will be established. Through this method certified members can be confirmed as bonafide nobles or royals, to have genuine titles of nobility or royalty or knighthood, or to have true illustrious ancestors. The only information that will be communicated is the person's name and certifications--nothing else will be revealed unless directed otherwise.
For contact information or to join the Commission as a contributor or apply for certification for titles, knighthood, status or ancestry, please first read the "Disclaimer and Obligatory Contract." If you fully agree with them, you are welcome to contact us, make contributions, answer our survey and/or become a part of this important cause. This required agreement is a good faith or goodwill gesture of sincerity, that can go a long way to ensure our continued existence and service to the cause of nobility and royalty. We need your support. There is so much that needs to be done. We invite you to contribute.
Please answer the seven questions on our "SURVEY" page and make a comment.
But, first, before you do so, please read either the article entitled "Ideals" or the one entitled "Advantages."
© Copyright 2005 - International Commission on Nobility and Royalty. All Rights Reserved.